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Social Security Strategies & Your Retirement Future

10/25/23 @ 6:00pm –
10/25/23 @ 8:00pm

Smith Library Community Room

Edward Smith Library

Registration is required.

Social Security Changes can affect Your Retirement

Retirement is one of the most important life events many of us will ever experience. When to collect Social Security may be the single most important decision you make in context of planning your retirement. Laws and regulation have changed on social security and you need to keep yourself informed on these and other issues that pertain to Social Security. 

This is a great opportunity to learn key concepts you need to know before applying for Social Security.

Depending on your age, Social Security filing strategies may boost lifetime benefits & increase retirement income by tens of thousands. Always consider Social Security payout as an important component of your retirement plan.

Topics Discusses in the Workshop

January 1, 2016 Social Security regulation changes impacting the filing timing options available to you.
How Social Security benefits are calculated and the advanced planning required to increase them. 
Why married couples, divorced and widowed individuals can miss out on significant lifetime sums.
How Social Security sums may be integrated into a retirement analysis projecting future monthly income.
The “three legged stool” approach to retirement planning and how to support your needs in the future.
Learn how your social security benefit may be taxed and how that can change your outlook.
If I elect Social Security and continue to work, will my benefits be reduced or eliminated?

Presented by USA Financial & Tax Services