Use Lynda, an online professional course catalog specializing in business skills, with North Branford Libraries
Make an account with your library information and a password to access the vast library of online classes for free
Take colligate level courses in a variety of topics, from food and wine history to the fundamentals of photography with The Great Courses
Access for free with an account created with your library card number and a password at the top right of the site
JobNow provides resume and job services to help you land the job that you want faster and easier
Create a free account with library credentials to access JobNow services
Utilize Consumer Reports for product reviews, news and consumer issues which can help you make more informed purchases or investments with your money
Reasearch ancestors, family documents and tress with Ancestry library
NOTE: While typically only available on library WIFI, the service has temporarily been made available on any WIFI with a valid LION library card number
Become more crafty with Creativebug, providing free craft and DIY tutorials and insights to help improve your creative ideas
Log into Creativebug with your library card number only to get free access to the resources
Access DMV and driver’s licensing material on, with practice tests and handbooks to help you refresh your knowlege
Learn for free with Khan Academy. Mathmatics, Sciences and many other studies are covered in video lectures with quizzes and test resources so you can learn on your own time
No special logins required, visit and learn
Take free language lessons with Duolingo. From Spanish to Russian and everything in-between, Duolingo has small bite sized lessons to keep you engaged and learning everyday.
Utilize the state library research database for free, with multiple academic search engines containing thousands of academic resources to use however you wish