StoryWalk at the Park

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StoryWalk® at North Farms Park

Enjoy the changing of seasons and the many colors of fall by visiting our newest StoryWalk® at the North Farms Park. Our StoryWalk® connects families and young readers to nature, exploration and reading. Pages from Don’t Touch that Flower by Alice Hemming have been transformed into signs and displayed along the family-friendly hiking trail at North Farms Park the end of March.

Follow the path of pages to experience the sweetest squirrel learning about the universal signs of spring; flowers included! Meet us during your spring break for a StoryWalk Meetup where we will take on the trail together.

The North Farms Park is located at 149 Branford Road in North Branford.
Consider spending the day by packing a lunch, playing on he playground and then partaking in the StoryWalk® trail.
To begin, s
tart at the North Farms trails map and turn left. You will see the first storyboard along the White Trail.

Additional Resources


This StoryWalk® is a collaboration between North Branford Parks and Recreation and North Branford Public Libraries and would not be possible without Public Works. We hope this interactive, family-friendly activity encourages a lifelong love of reading and the great outdoors.

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.